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What We Learned From Wednesday's Media Availability 

Several players met with the media following Minicamp on Wednesday

Defensive Tackle Chris Jones

Q: Do you feel like you have some responsibility and leadership for this team?

JONES: "Of course I do. That's what you build every year and you work on things you can work on and try to progress as a leader and as a player. You try to lead as an example for the young guys."

Q: What are your early impressions of the younger guys on the defensive side?

JONES: "They're studs. We got (Breeland) Speaks from the SEC, our archrival Mississippi State vs. Ole Miss. We have (Derrick) Nnadi, the kid's a stud. He's got to learn a little of the game but other than that we have some great guys here. The linebacker from Clemson (Dorian O'Daniel), we have a great group of guys."

Q: What are some goals that Coach Sutton has made for you guys in your room?

JONES: "I wouldn't say goals, but just us as a defense what we want to go by as rules. Starting off with grit, relentless effort. Those are some of the main things we go by as a defense, as a group."

Q: What's it been like working alongside Xavier Williams?

JONES: "Xavier is a great guy. He teaches me a lot especially about the nose position which I don't play much of. He gives me in and outs of what I could do using my speed and agility and with the body frame I have things I could work on bettering myself at the nose position. Then he's a great guy for the group. He's a leader in the room. He helps everyone out, trying to give you points on what you can get better at. That was a great plus to the room."

Cornerback Steve Nelson

Q: What has the room been like with all of the new faces?

NELSON: "It's been good so far. Everybody has been coming together, working together especially we got these young guys in willing to work. The new guys DA (David Amerson) and (Kendall) Fuller those guys came in ready to work and they've been doing a good job."

Q: What have you seen that sticks out with Fuller so far?

NELSON: "His ability to pick up the playbook as fast as he did, especially where they put him and being able to contribute early."

Q: Do you feel like you came into this season with something to prove as far as being a starting cornerback?

NELSON: "I would say that's every year with me. My biggest thing is just taking it to another level and really just showing people what I'm capable of doing for the first time."

Q: When you came back last year after the injury did you ever feel like you were right the rest of the season?

NELSON: "I came the Broncos game and I felt okay and then there were times where there were questions and what not, but I feel like towards the end of the season I was getting all the way back to my normal self."

Q: With the young guys, Tremon Smith and Armani Watts, what have you seen from them?

NELSON: "I've seen them specifically working both positions and trying to learn the defense as well. It reminds me of myself when I first came in, those guys just picking up the defense and trying to find their role right now. They'll be fine."

Wide Receiver Chris Conley

Q: Do you feel 100%? Where do you feel physically?

CONLEY: "I wouldn't really put a number on it. I think that injuries like this are kind of a long form art. It's a marathon and not a sprint. The thing that you have to be careful for is even when you feel well and you're cleared to go is not putting too much volume on it when you go from taking zero reps a couple months ago to being allowed to do whatever your trainers say you can do. So you have to be careful. It's just a thing about acclimation for your muscles. You have to build up to a certain number and not just jump back into doing 60 reps a practice."

Q: As far as where you stand in the receiver group do you have a role in mind for yourself or do they have a role in mind for you?

CONLEY: "Anything that I can do to help this offense succeed. I think it's evident when you see the guys in our room and the talent that's in there and the arm that's going to be throwing the ball is that the ball can go anywhere. There's going to be open guys because you can't cover that many people so wherever they ask me to line up. Right now we've been very multiple with our sets. We've added a couple new personnels that move and shuffle everyone around to every spot. Literally every spot, so it's really up in the air right now."

Q: You were headed towards a career year before your injury. How difficult was it to see it develop the way it did and what was your motivation to be ready for this?

CONLEY: "It comes with the territory. Unfortunately this is a sport that has a 100% injury rate. If you're in it long enough you'll get injured. In some sort of way I knew something was coming, whether indirectly or directly. You just roll with the punches. I've had teammates who have gone through devastating injuries. I've had teammates who haven't come back from them. So it's all about your perspective and it's all about working at coming back. It's not just a waiting game. You don't just wait and rest until you're healthy. You work at it. Whether it's physically doing rehab or mentally getting in a space that says 'Hey I'm going to allow my body to rest. I'm going to allow it to recover and when I get the opportunity to do something I'm going to do it to the best of my ability'."

Q: When the Chiefs go out and make as big of move as getting Sammy Watkins, what is your reaction? Do you take that as motivation or is it something you're excited about?

CONLEY: "I'm excited. I'm very excited. We've had talented guys around here with Tyreek (Hill), J Mac (Jeremy Maclin), Jason Avant. I kind of started with a really talented group my first year and I've seen what happens when you have a lot of guys with experience who can play on the field and that's what we want. We want to create competition but at the end of the day we also want to have as many guys out there who can make plays in those situations as possible. Sammy's a good guy. He works really hard. He's picking up this offense way faster than anyone I've seen pick it up before. I think that's going to translate to games."

Defensive Tackle Xavier Williams

Q: What have been your impressions of your first offseason program with the Chiefs?

WILLIAMS: "I really like it here. I've enjoyed my time since I've gotten here. The energy around the facility, with my teammates, everything has been really good. Just around the city in general, coming back home and getting reconnected with my family and friends has been a really great time."

Q: Growing up in the area you probably had ideas about the Chiefs. How has it been now being inside the building?

WILLIAMS: "I didn't really know what to expect. I've only been with one team my whole life so you don't really know how teams work until you get into the league. I came here and I was really happy to find out it's a very family oriented team, very close-knit group of guys from everybody from the GM down to the players. They're really welcoming, really close, everybody gets along and has a good time. You can just feel it as you walk through the building every day."

Q: What's Britt Reid like to play for as a coach?

WILLIAMS: "Good, smart. He knows what he's talking about which is always a good sign. He can help you out anywhere you need. He can help you improve your game. Tell you the little things that you need to work on. He's open to hearing your side. If you see something happen on the field he's really open to seeing what it is that you see and then help you correct it from there."

Q: What do you think it will be like the first time you get to run out of the tunnel on game day at Arrowhead?

WILLIAMS: "That will be real emotional for me. Coming home, growing up as a kid seeing the jet flying overhead, the anthem going everything like that that will be big. Then getting to run out of that tunnel when they call your name having friends and family in the stands that will be like a dream come true."
