There is no day like Mother's Day and Kansas City Chiefs Chairman and CEO Clark Hunt agrees.
"Mothers' Day is such a great holiday, because it's the one time of year we as males pause and realize what an important role the women in our lives play," Hunt said. "My mother is an incredibly special woman and I'm blessed to be able to call her Mom."

Hunt also described one of his mother's biggest passions.
"My mother is the #1 Chiefs fan; she always has been and always will be," Hunt stated. "In general, she's an incredible sports fan. I don't know how many games or events she has seen, both live and on TV, each year, but at the end of the day, the Kansas City Chiefs are her #1 passion, in terms of sports teams."
Moms are gifted in so many ways and Norma Hunt is no exception.
"My mother's greatest quality is her positive attitude, in almost every situation," Hunt said. "She was always reinforcing me in a very positive way; that didn't mean that she wasn't willing to correct me, when I needed to be corrected, but certainly, she was going to find the positive, when she could and encourage me in that way. That's just a great example for me, not only with my children, but also from a business standpoint in working with others."
Hunt also acknowledged all mothers on their special day, including Dee Ford's mother, who Hunt met on Friday, during the Chiefs rookie's introductory press conference. "Anybody who is a mother has one of the toughest jobs on the face of the earth," Hunt said. "I just had a chance to meet Dee Ford's mother and she obviously did a tremendous job of raising this fine young man. He's so intelligent, so well-spoken and we're just thrilled to have him and his entire family a part of the Kansas City Chiefs."
The substantial role Hunt's wife, Tavia, plays also never goes unnoticed.
"My wife Tavia is an amazing mother," Hunt said. "She loves our children and literally would do anything for them. She's also a great teacher; she takes every opportunity to instruct them, whether it's something in terms of our faith, in terms of school, or how they treat those around them. She's just an amazing mom. The same is true for all the women in my family. My brother's wife, Rita, they have a bunch of children and she's a fantastic mother, along with my sister, Sharron."
In honor of Mother's Day,enjoy a collection of photos of Chiefs with their moms.

S Eric Berry with his mom, Carol

S Eric Berry with his mom, Carol

QB Chase Daniel with his mother Vickie

DL Allen Bailey with his mother Mary

TE Anthony Fasano with mother Wendy

S Husain Abdullah with his mother Sa'eeda Johnwell

OL Eric Fisher with his mother Heidi

OL Eric Fisher with his mother Heidi

RB Cyrus Gray with his mother Sharonia

LB Derrick Johnson with his mother Beverly

LB Derrick Johnson with his mother Beverly

LB Frank Zombo with his mother Deborah

CB Brandon Flowers with his mother Patricia

CB Brandon Flowers with his mother Patricia

CB Brandon Flowers with his mother Patricia

C Rodney Hudson with his mother Kathleen
To all of the amazing mothers, including those of the Kansas City Chiefs, Happy Mother's Day!